We Are All Migrants

Participatory Portraits

v i s u a l i z i n g   i m m i g r a n t   P h o e n i x

Yes, a truism for the United States; we are all migrants, including the first ones who made their ancient way from Africa via Asia. Migrants are ourselves, our parents, our grandparents, and more, back generations for many. We came by choice, by force, by happenstance. We arrived yesterday, today, and will arrive tomorrow. We've not always been welcome. This participatory project invites us all to own up to this American portrait.

Some of Our NCUIRE Researchers

Society for Applied Anthropology conference in Santa Fe, NM March 30-31, 2017


Many thanks to everyone who stopped by to see our exhibit, gave us feedback, and to the many who joined the We Are All Migrants gallery of participatory portraits!

New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University-West, Phoenix

Research & Creative Project Symposium, April 20, 2017


Thanks to all who visited our exhibition and spoke with our researchers about the project. Special thanks to the many who joined We Are All Migrants gallery of participatory portraits!

And cream on top, it was terrific to be awarded 1st Place for Best NCUIRE Presented Project!

Invited exhibition at Glendale Community College, Glendale AZ, 11-8-17.

Thanks to all who visited our exhibition and spoke with our researchers about the project. Special thanks to those who joined We Are All Migrants gallery of participatory portraits!

We hope you'll soon be transferring from GCC to ASU West!

New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University-West, Phoenix

Research & Creative Project Symposium, April 19, 2018


Thanks to all who visited our exhibition and spoke with our researchers about the project. Special thanks to the many who joined We Are All Migrants gallery of participatory portraits!

We take inspiration from i am a migranta wonderful project from the International Organization for Migration, which lets migrants tell and upload their own stories and aims to affirm that migration has a human face.