Argenis Hurtado Moreno

v i s u a l i z i n g   i m m i g r a n t   P h o e n i x


Argenis /är-hen-ēs/ is a Mexican native, and has resided in Phoenix, Arizona since 1995. As a first-generation college student, he attends Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University. His academic interests fall in the spectrum between sociocultural anthropology and sustainability. Through his qualitative research Argenis highlights the lives of DACA recipients throughout metropolitan Phoenix in hopes to promote political progress, human rights, and social justice for those that are uprooted through no fault of their own.

Mis Manos No Son Mis Manos/These Hands Are Not My Hands

Argenis Hurtado Moreno 2018


Video created for Displacements, a virtual conference sponsored by the Society for Cultural Anthropology & the Society for Visual Anthropology. April 19-21, 2018. (1:51) (MORE videos)

This poetic-visual exploration focuses on the movement of humans from one country to another and the resulting outcomes from one generation to the next, through the photographic documentation of migrant hands. The spoken narrative emerges from the author’s reflection of the catalytic action of migration and the remnants of “home” in seemingly ordinary customs such as making tortillas. Using his mixed-citizenship-status family as muse, his ethnographic art encourages experimentation by examining migrant displacement through daily life, memory, and especially, the body.

A Voice No Longer Silenced

A portrait of Griselda, an artist and activist with an uncertain future due to her DACA status.

DACAmented: A Struggle for Belonging and Identity

In high school Estefania dreamed of joining the US Army, until she discovered that her lack of legal residency would keep her from enlisting to serve the country she thinks of as hers. Her story illuminates dilemmas of facing DACA recipients.


Andres & the Great Quest for an Identity Beyond Borders

Andres is a member of a borderless cyber-community. He connects with others around the world in virtual realities and opts out of real-world social constructs, like borders and citizenship. Refusing to identify himself by citizenship status, this DACA recipient elects to identify with a community that sustains him without barriers: gamers.